中新网8月25日电 据中国驻阿联酋大使馆网站消息,中国驻阿联酋大使馆8月25日发布紧急通知强调,赴华商业航班乘客登机核酸检测报告时限由5天调整为3天。 通知指出,8月18日,中国驻阿联酋使领馆发布了《关于在阿联酋实施赴华航班乘客凭新冠病毒核酸检测阴性证明登机的通知》。根据国内最新要求,现将自阿联酋赴华航班乘客核酸检测报告时限要求由登机前5天(120小时)调整为3天(72小时),自8月30日起实行。中国公民凭核酸检测阴性报告申领带“HS”标识的绿色健康码、外籍乘客申领健康状况声明书的流程不变。 通知强调,中国驻阿联酋使领馆再次提醒所有计划自阿联酋乘机赴华的乘客根据最新要求调整核酸检测安排,务必在获得核酸检测阴性报告后立即上传至防疫健康码国际版微信小程序,以免耽误行程。目前阿提哈德航空、阿联酋航空、国航等航空公司对赴华航班乘客核酸检测阴性报告有效期有不同要求,请务必提前了解确认,确保检测报告在各方要求的有效期内。 In accordance with the joint announcement of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the General Administration of Customs of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 20 July, foreign passengers who are to fly from UAE to China will be required to take a nucleic acid test for COVID-19 and apply for certified Health Declaration Form starting from 25 August 2020. The following procedures are for your reference: 1. Starting from 25 August 2020, all foreign passengers who are to fly to China from UAE, directly or indirectly, will be required to take a nucleic acid test for COVID-19 within three days before boarding (Etihad Airways, Emirates Airline,Air China and some other airlines may have more strict requirements on validity period of the Nucleic Acid Test Certificate, and it is suggested passengers follow the instructions of relevant airlines to arrange nucleic acid test for COVID-19 ). At this stage, the Chinese Embassy designates SEHA as the specific institutions to carry out the test. 2. Passenger shall fill in and sign the Health Declaration Form (please see the attachment) and send a scanned copy of the signed Form, together with the Nucleic Acid Test Certificate (with negative result), and a photocopy of the bio-page of the passport to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General at the following email addresses: Chinese Embassy in UAE: chinaemb.ae@gmail.com Chinese Consulate General in Dubai: chinaconsul_dubai@aliyun.com To speed up the process, please use "HS+Passenger name+Date of Departure" as subject line of your email, e.g. "HS+John Smith+ × Aug , 2020". 3. Certified Health Declaration Form with a validity period of 3 days starting from the date of issue of the Nucleic Acid Test Certificate (with negative result) shall be issued by the Chinese Embassy or the Chinese Consulate General in Dubai and sent back to the passenger by email. 4. Passenger shall be required to present the print-out certified Health Declaration Form within the validity period during check-in or before boarding the flight and cooperate with airlines staff during the inspection. Please be noted that passenger with expired Health Declaration Form will not be allowed to board the plane and will be required to take nucleic acid tests and apply for the Health Declaration Form again. 5. For foreign passengers ultimately bound for China who transfer via other countries that require valid Health Declaration Forms for boarding (please see https://hr.cs.mfa.gov.cn/help_two/help-two/gj.html) will also be required to show Health Declaration Forms during transferring. Please make sure that the Forms are still valid when boarding the connecting flights. 6. Passenger is advised to bring the Nucleic Acid Test Certificate (with negative result) to the airport in case of the need for further inspection. 7. Please also be noted that a certified Health Declaration Form is not an alternative to a Chinese visa. The Chinese Embassy in UAE August 18, 2020 |
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因新冠病毒的肆虐,目前多国多家航空公司要求入境者在搭乘出境飞机前提供新冠病毒核酸检测报告单,且检验报告只在3~7日内有效, 我公司提供优质方便快捷价廉的新冠病毒检验报告翻译服务,只需60元,您就可以在24小时内拿到英文译件并盖有翻译公司印章的电子件,直接彩打,就能顺利乘坐出境飞机啦。请联系QQ154666954 ,微信saralee93 Due to the spread of COVID-19, most of airlines require that the entrants shall submit their COVID-19 nucleic acid Laboratory Report before boarding, and the report is only valid for 3 to 7 days. We may provide high-quality, convenient, fast and cheap translation services for you. You can get the English translation of the Laboratory Report with our stamp in PDF format within 24 hours and you may pay only 60 RMB. 如需打印盖章,另加15元,快递到付。 If you preferred to get a paper version instead of a electronic version, you shall pay 75 RMB to the translation company and pay express fee to the courier. |
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