
谷雨Grain Rain

谷雨,是二十四节气之第6个节气,春季的最后一个节气。斗指辰;太阳黄经为30°;于每年公历4月19日—21日交节。谷雨是“雨生百谷”的意思,此时降水明显增加,田中的秧苗初插、作物新种,最需要雨水的滋润,正所谓“春雨贵如油”。降雨量充足而及时,谷类作物能茁壮成长。谷雨与雨水、小满、小雪、大雪等节气一样,都是反映降水现象的节气,是古代农耕文化对于节令的反映。 [1-2]

谷雨时节,在中国南方地区,往往开始明显多雨,而特别是华南,一旦冷空气与暖湿空气交汇,往往形成较长时间的降雨天气。秦岭—淮河是南方春雨和北方春旱区之间的过渡地区,从秦岭-淮河附近向北,春雨急剧减少。 [3-4]



清明祭黄帝,谷雨祭仓颉,是自汉代以来流传千年的民间传统。据《淮南子》记载,黄帝于春末夏初发布诏令,宣布仓颉造字成功,当天下了一场谷子雨。仓颉死后,人们把他安葬在他的家乡——白水县史官镇北,墓门刻了一副对联:“雨粟当年感天帝,同文永世配桥陵。”每年的谷雨,“仓颉庙会”都会在陕西白水县如期举行。 [10]
谷雨前后,香椿醇香爽口营养价值高,故有“雨前香椿嫩如丝”之说。人们把春天采摘、食用香椿说成是“吃春”。香椿一般分为紫椿芽、绿椿芽,尤以紫椿芽最佳。鲜椿芽中含丰富的蛋白质、胡萝卜素和大量的维生素C,其叶、芽、根、皮和果实均可入药,具有健胃理气,止泻润肤等多种功效。 [10]
“谷雨三朝看牡丹”,牡丹花被称为谷雨花、富贵花,谷雨时节赏牡丹已绵延千年。清顾禄《清嘉录》曰:“神祠别馆筑商人,谷雨看花局一新。不信相逢无国色,锦棚只护玉楼春。”至今,山东菏泽、河南洛阳都会在谷雨时节举行牡丹花会,供人们观赏游玩。 [10]
福建的茶农们说,真正的谷雨茶就是谷雨这天采的鲜茶叶制成的茶叶,而且要上午采的。谷雨茶色泽翠绿,叶质柔软,富含多种维生素和氨基酸,香气宜人。传说谷雨这天的茶喝了会清火、辟邪、明目等。所以谷雨这天不管是什么天气,人们都会去茶山摘一些新茶回来喝。 [10]
谷雨节也叫做渔民出海捕鱼的“壮行节”。在中国北方沿海一带,渔民们过谷雨节已有两千多年的历史。海祭时刻一到,渔民便抬着供品到海神庙、娘娘庙前摆供祭祀,有的则将供品抬至海边,敲锣打鼓,燃放鞭炮,面海祭祀,场面十分隆重,这一习俗在今天胶东荣成一带仍然流行。 [10]
古时有“走谷雨”的风俗,谷雨这天青年妇女走村串亲,有的到野外走一圈就回来。寓意与自然相融合,强身健体。 [11]




The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (Chinese: 谷雨),as the last term in spring, starts on April 20 and ends on May 5. Grain Rain originates from the old saying, "Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains," which shows that this period of rainfall is extremely important for the growth of crops. The Grain Rain signals the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature. Here are five things that you may not know about the Grain Rain.

Key time for agriculture

Grain Rain brings a marked increase in temperature and rainfall and the grains grow faster and stronger. It's a key time to protect the crops from insect pests.

Sandstorms occur

Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, with infrequent cold air moving to the southand lingering cold air in the north. From the end of April to the beginning of May, the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil, an unsteady atmosphere and heavy winds, gales and sandstorms become more frequent.

Drinking tea

There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which can help to remove heat from the body and is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.

Eating toona sinensis

People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes "toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk". The vegetable is nutritious and can help to stengthen the immunie system. It is also good for the stomach and skin.

Grain Rain Festival

The Grain Rain festival is celebrated by fishing villages in the coastal areas of northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen’s first voyage of the year. The custom dates back more than 2,000 years ago, when people believed they owed a good harvest to the gods, who protected them from the stormy seas. People would worship the sea and stage sacrifice rites on the Grain Rain festival, praying for a bountiful harvest and a safe voyagel for their loved ones.

(English introduction is from ChinaDaily http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2015-04/20/content_20468714.htm)