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阿根廷, 巴西, 法国, 加拿大, 美国, 摩纳哥(公国), 瑞士, 梵蒂冈, 圣马力诺, 斯洛文尼亚, 索马里, 意大利.

意大利语(Italiano)隶属于印欧语系(Language Family: Indo-European)的罗曼语族(Subgroup: Romance)。现在有约7千万人日常用意大利语,大多数是意大利居民。29个其它国家居民使用意大利语,其中5个国家立它为官方语言。正规意大利语是托斯卡纳的方言,发音在于意大利南半部方言之间。正规版近来稍微加进了一些经济中心米兰的口音。



Italian is considered by many to be the most beautiful of the world's languages. As the transmitter of the great culture of the Renaissance, its influence on the other languages of Western Europe has been profound. Besides being spoken in Italy, it is one of the four official languages of Switzerland, and is also widely spoken in the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Brazil. All told there are about 60 million speakers of Italian.


Italian is one of the Romance languages, and has remained closer to the original Latin than any of the others. its dialects, however, vary tremendously, often to the point where communication becomes a problem. The literary standard came into being in the 14th century, largely through Dante's Divine Comedy and the works of Petrarch and Boccaccio. Since these eminent authors chiefly used the dialect of Tuscany (especially Florentine), modern literary Italian is essentially Tuscan. Since 1870 the dialect of Rome has gained considerable prestige but it has still failed to eclipse the Florentine standard.


The Italian alphabet consists basically of 21 letters— j, k, w, x, and y appear only in foreign words. The letter c is pronounced k before a, o, and u, but ch before e and i (e.g., carcere—prison). Ch and cch are also pronounced k (chiave—key, bicchiere—glass). G is pronounced as a hard g before a, o, and u (gamba—leg), but as j before e and i (giorno—day). Gg before e and i is also pronounced j (oggi—today), gh before e and i is a hard g (lunghezza—length), gli followed by a vowel is pronounced lli as in "million" (biglietto—ticket), gn like the ny in "canyon" (ogni—every), and gu followed by a vowel as gw (guerra—war). Z and zz are generally pronounced ts (zio—uncle, prezzo—price), but sometimes as dz (pranzo—dinner, mezzo—middle). Sc before e and i is pronounced sh (pesce—fish).

意大利语字母表基本上由二十一个字母组成——j,k,w,x和y只在外来词中出现。字母c在a、o和u前发k音,但在e和i 前发ch音(例如:carcere—监牢)。ch和cch也发k音(chiave—钥匙;bicchiere—玻璃)。g在a,o和u前发硬g音(gamba—腿),但在e和i前发j音(giorno—白天)。gg在e和i前也发j音(oggi—今天),gh在e和i前发硬g音(lunghezza—长度),gli后面跟着一个元音时,发“million”中的lli音(biglietto—票),gn发“canyon”中的ny音(ogni—每一个),gu后跟一个元音时,发gw音(guerra—战争)。z和zz一般发ts音(zio—伯叔),prezzo—价格),但有时发dz音(pranzo—正餐,mezzo—中间)。Sc在e和i前发sh音(pesce-鱼)。

The stress in Italian generally falls on the next to last or third from last syllable. The only written accent is the grave, which is used when-ever a word of more than one syllable stresses the final vowel (città—city). It is also used on words of a single syllable to distinguish between two words that would otherwise have the same spelling, as for example e, meaning "and," but è, meaning "is." And it also appears in a few miscellaneous words such as più (more) and già (already).


English words of Italian origin include umbrella, spaghetti, macaroni, broccoli, balcony, studio, casino, fresco, gusto, volcano, lava, stucco, gondola, regatta, malaria, bandit, incognito, vendetta, and inferno. In the field of music there are piano, viola, opera, sonata, concerto, oratorio, soprano, aria, solo, trio, quartet, allegro, andante, tempo, libretto, staccato, crescendo, maestro, and virtuoso.




据意大利《共和国报》最近报道,在新近再版的意大利语权威词典———“DEVOTO—OLI”中,新增加了4000多条英语字词或词组,约占整部词典条目的4%,如形容郊游的“远足”以及“酒吧”、“胶卷”、“巨型炸弹”等都有英语表达,从而引起意大利参众两院议员和国内知名学者的广泛关注。议员和学者们纷纷抱怨说,不努力寻找意大利语中恰当、对应广州 020-86266990 手机15711834984 电子邮件:chi@en-ch.com
北京翻译电话:400 888 0389 上海翻译电话:400 888 0389语对意大利语的大举“入侵”,意大利不少学者呼吁立即停止这种语言混用的现象。据《共和国报》报道,一位意大利议员目前正在起草一项议案,要求禁止在官方文件或声明中使用外来词语,并且对违规者处以100万里拉(500美元)的罚款。意大利议会平等机会委员会也计划于最近召开会议,讨论外来语的“入侵”问题。



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